Monday, April 07, 2008

Alligators and milk

I have just conducted an unscientific experiment.


3 boys.
6 cups of milk.
- 2 pink, 1 orange, and three blue.

In the 2 pink and one orange cup, put a small amount of skim milk, purchased This Afternoon from the local farmer's market.

In the three blue cups, put an approximately equal amount of 2% milk from lowes foods, purchased Yesterday.

Do not allow The Boys to observe which cup contains which milk.

Place 2 cups in front of each Boy. One blue, one pink or orange. Ask Boys to taste each cup of milk in front of them, and then place the cup they prefer in the center of the Table. (I forgot to mention The Table above, but it is critical to this experiment.)


Boys 1 & 2 chose the Pink cups, containing the Farmer's Market milk. Boy three chose both the Orange and Blue cups. Despite the predilection of boys for Colors Other Than Pink, it is interesting to note that Boys 1 & 2 chose the pink cups over the blue. Boys 1 & 2 indicated that the milk in the Pink cups tasted 'like honey', and asked for more. Boy 3 said they both were the same, but wanted the milk in the orange cup because it 'tasted healthier'.


None whatsoever. The sample size was too small, and the study was not double-blinded. More research is recommended.


We've just returned from New Orleans, and I should post about that, too.